Members General Meeting - Feb 2024


7 February 2024    
8:00 pm-9:30 pm


Event Type

Members General  Meeting

Wednesday 7th February 8:00pm

Wednesday 6th February 2024 will be the first club
meeting of the year, starting at 8 pm.

This will be the
Hanging Rock information meeting.

Make sure you have contacted Kate before 31 January, to be included on the PAHR Roster

[email protected]



Our monthly meetings are usually scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month starting at 8pm at our clubrooms in Webb Crescent, New Gisborne.
Most meetings we try to have a guest speaker or feature, but other times it is just an opportunity for social gatherings and a lots of talk about our motoring passions.

During the warmer times of the year, members often meet on the first Sunday of the month instead, and get their cars out for a run, and we can grab a great coffee from the coffee van or the barbie is fired up for a lunchtime sausage sizzle.

Guests are always welcome to attend meetings and we support individual and family memberships.