Our March Midweek Run saw our friends from the Dunolly Vehicle Club make the trek down to Gisborne for a fun day out with our Midweek Run members. Past MRADMC members Mal & Thea, now living in Dunolly, help Pam our Midweek Run organiser, coordinate the day for our two clubs to meet and talk about their common interest ‘their cars’.
What a wonderful turn out from both clubs with around 60 members from both clubs attending. After morning tea there was time to chat and view all the fabulous cars, which turned out to be our own mini car show with about 40 cars on display.
A bbq lunch with delicious salads, prepared by our events coordinator Clara and husband Carmelo, was provided for every one, followed by an array of delicious desserts made by the ladies of the MRADMC.
Everyone had a great day out, meeting new and old friends and enjoying great food and conversation.
Thanks to every for coming and to all our wonderful members who helped out on the day.
So, if you have never been on a Midweek Run…..look what you’re missing out on !!